Welcome to Fellowship

Fellowship Christian Reformed Church seeks to honour God by being an open and inclusive community.  As witnesses to the redeeming power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a community of brothers and sisters in the Lord who receive and extend the hospitality and grace of Christ.
In our worship and our common life, we are committed to embracing people of all ages, colours, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, ethnic origins, and economic circumstances.   We welcome all who seek to follow Christ to participate as full members in the life of our church. We strive to remain faithful to the promises made at baptism, welcoming and nurturing the faith of all God’s children.  We seek to build community in the midst of diversity and honour God’s greatest commandment – to love one another as Christ loves us.
All are welcome to worship with us!   To learn more about Fellowship follow the links  at the top of this page. Members should proceed to the Members Page for links to weekly liturgies, sermons, communal prayer and more. 

Fall Splendor - October 2024 Peter Mahaffy